Earlier this week I joined with local Labour councillors to write to the leader of the council about the deplorable state of our town centre streets and back streets. I know the situation is bad in other areas as well – and we need a solution across the whole area – but it has reached a particular crisis point in Barrow. This should be a basic part of the council’s role and they need to get a grip and find a solution.
A full copy of the letter is provided below
Cllr Jonathan Brook
Leader, Westmorland and Furness Council
South Lakeland House,
Lowther Street,
Tuesday 22 January 2025
Dear Jonathan,
We are writing to you because of the regular and repeated complaints that we receive from Barrow residents about the deplorable state of town centre streets and back streets.
Whilst we can accept the fact that the back-to-back layout of these streets and the alley-gates do not lend themselves to an environment that is easily kept clean, the streets are in a deplorable condition.
They are strewn with litter, peppered with potholes, caked with dog-fouling and during the summer months many of the thoroughfares had unsightly weeds growing from pavements and gullies. Even now some hardy weeds remain. We understand that the weeds were not given their customary spraying until far too late into the summer and it is not the first time that this oversight has occurred.
The many residents we speak to name the weed-covered and dirty town centre streets and back streets among their main concerns. As local Labour representatives we have raised these issues regularly with council officials and with the leadership but are becoming frustrated with progress.
As you know, the council plan says residents will be placed at the centre of everything the authority does. And the council will “look to deliver the best possible outcomes”. By no stretch of the imagination can the state of Barrow’s town centre streets and back streets be regarded as a best outcome.
It’s encouraging to know that town hall officers are targeting some streets for a welcome clean-up, but this will address only a very limited area.
Clearly, if we keep on doing the same things and saying the same things we are going to end up with the same results. That situation must change.
We are therefore asking you to categorise this situation as a priority and engage with senior officers to set in train measures that will deal with the problem effectively and aa swiftly as possible. We are keen to support you and suggest that an initial step might be that you join with us for a tour of our local streets so that we can show you the situation first hand.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Michelle Scrogham MP
Cllr Derek Brook
Cllr Andy Coles
Cllr Beverly Morgan
Cllr Tony Callister
Cllr Anne Burns
Cllr Anita Husband
Cllr Jackie Drake
Cllr Therese Assouad
Cllr Bill McEwan
Cllr David Cassidy
Cllr Frank Cassidy
Cllr Jane Murphy
Cllr Trevor Biggins